The Dartmouth Institute
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
academic positions
- Research Associate, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College, 2024-2026.
- PhD, Sociology, University of Chicago, 2024.
- Dissertation: Winning at a Losing Game - Divergent Ontologies and Shared Practices in Medicine.
- MA, Sociology, University of Chicago, 2018.
- BA, Cum Laude, Philosophy and Sociology, Kent State University, 2016.
- Timothy B. Elder and Austin C. Kozlowski. "Status and Subfield: The Distribution of Sociological Specialization across Departments." doi:10.31235/osf.io/h85tp
- Forthcoming at Poetics
- Timothy B. Elder, “The Operation Was Successful, and the Patient Died: Success and Failure in the Care of the Dying”
- In progress
- Timothy B. Elder, “Discourse of Data and Talk of Values: Integrating Patient-Clinician Decision-Making in End-of-Life Care”
- In progress
- Timothy B. Elder, “Interdependence and Difference: Niche Construction and Collaboration in Medicine”
- In progress
University of Chicago
- Teaching Assistant, Invitation to Sociology, Spring 2022.
- Teaching Assistant, Maverick Markets. Spring 2020.
- Teaching Assistant, Social, Structure, and Change. Winter 2020.
- Teaching Assistant, Urban Policy Analysis. Autumn 2019.
- Teaching Assistant, Sociology of Human Sexuality. Spring 2020.
- Teaching Intern, Power, Identity, and Resistance. Autumn and Winter 2018-2019.
University of Chicago
- Research Assistant, Ensago-Networks Project, Summer and Autumn 2021.
- Course Development, Invitation to Sociology, 2018-2019.
Kent State University
- Research Assistant, Group Processes EEG Laboratory, 2015-2016.
- "The Operation was Successful and the Patient Died: Success in the Care of the Dying", American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2024 Montreal, Canada, Regular Session Medical Sociology.
- “The Ratlines — Clandestine Networks and Nazi Fugitives at the End of the Second World War” with Hanock A. Spitzer, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2023 Philadelphia, PA, Regular Session Historical Sociology.
- “Intra-Professional Collaboration in the Hospital”, Chicago Ethnography Conference Loyola University, Chicago. April 2023.
- “Intra-Professional Collaboration in Acute Hospital Settings”, Midwest Sociological Society Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. March 2023.
- “Intra-Professional Collaboration in Medicine: Applying Ecological Concepts to Hospice and Palliative Medicine”, Eastern Sociological Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. February 2023.
- “Status and Subfield: The Distribution of Sociological Specializations across Departments” with Austin C. Kozlowski, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2022 Los Angeles, CA, Regular Session History of Sociology and Social Thought.
- “Managing Consensus and Dissensus in Palliative Medicine”. Medicine and Its Objects Workshop, University of Chicago, Autumn 2021.
- “An Empirical Investigation of Privacy: The Impact of Multiple Levels of Trust”. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2015 Chicago, IL. Roundtable.
- “An Empirical Perspective on Altman's Theory of Privacy.” North Central Sociological Association 2015 Cleveland, OH.
research interests
- Sociology of Medicine
- Qualitative Methods
- Computational Methods
- Health Services Research
- Organizations
- Death and Dying
- Creator and Coordinator, PlainText Working Group. Winter and Spring 2023.
- Book Review Board, American Journal of Sociology, 2021-2022.
- Manuscript Board, American Journal of Sociology, 2018-2019.
- Student Coordinator, Social Theory and Evidence Workshop, 2018-2019.
- Student Coordinator, UChicago Sociology Colloquium, 2018-2019.
- Co-Chair, Society for Social Research, 2018-2019.
- Reviewer, American Journal of Sociology, Sexuality & Culture
professional membership
- Eastern Sociological Society. 2022-Present.
- American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2021-Present.
- Midwest Sociological Society. 2019-2022.
- American Sociological Association. 2015-Present.